Book III of The Cremelino Prophecy
“Forgotten lines of ancient magic and the power of the throne. One will make them both his own if his heart sees the true power. He will bring light to fight darkness and love to fight hate if he reaches into the power of his heart. He will find new allies, turn enemy to friend, and find the binding of all power on the path of peace . . .” So concludes the ancient Cremelino Prophecy.
In the conclusion of this magical trilogy Darius DarSan Williams, newly crowned King of the Realm, is being pushed and tested on all sides by others vying for power. His best friend Kelln is in Mar trying to find the escaped Preacher and his daughter, while Mezar discovers a plot in Gildan that could tear the Realm apart, and put Christine in danger. All are being watched over and guided by the mysterious Cremelino horses. They hold one final magical secret that could help Darius save those he loves and find the path of peace.